Printables example

Make organising your writing easier — pick up some printables


When I first started writing many years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. I’m old enough that I didn’t have regular internet access then, so I didn’t know how to find resources about learning how to write. It was a long process of trial and error, iteration, and repeated failure.

In these days of lightning-fast internet, it’s far easier to find information to help you learn, whether you’re a beginner or a journeyman writer. From ebooks to online conventions; from forums to podcasts — it’s all out there, ready for you to learn.

But if you are new to writing, you may have found that there’s now too much information. Where do you start?!

If that’s the case, how about using some printables (PDF template sheets) to get you started? I wish I’d had access to printables and easy templates back in the day. It took me, for example, many years to figure out that my character sheets should focus on the minds and hearts of my characters, not their physical descriptors and demographics (these things are important, of course, but not as important as knowing WHO your characters are).

I have some printables for sale in my Etsy store, CentauriPrintables. So far, I have character, location, and brainstorming sheets for sale, in both colour and greyscale, and I will be adding more sheets and collected workbooks soon. If you’re interested in a jump-start to your writing processes, why don’t you take a look?

What I’m working on

I have been working on a free informative guide that I know a lot of writers will love. It has something for everyone, and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with you. I will have it finished and available for download soon, so watch this space.

Need a copyeditor?

I’m still on the lookout for self-published clients, particularly writers of sci fi, fantasy, and romance. So if you need a new copyeditor for your fiction, please contact me via my fiction editing page to arrange for a quote and a sample chapter.

Happy writing!

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